Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Forward from "Amusing ourselves to Death" By Neil Postman:

We were keeping our eye on 1984. When the year came and the prophecy didn't, thoughtful Americans sang softly in praise of themselves. The roots of liberal democracy had held. Wherever else the terror had happened, we, at least, had not been visited by Orwellian nightmares.

But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell's dark vision, there was another - slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. Contrary to common belief even among the educated, Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing. Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.

What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions". In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.

This book is about the possibility that Huxley, not Orwell, was right.

The Nature of Journalism and Media

Bill Moyers interviews two independent journalists, Glenn Greenwald from and Amy Goodman from Democracy Now. The interview is great because Glenn breaks down the divides in world views and perceptions about different classes of people.

Iraq has always been about Oil

Bill Moyers speaking on PBS about Iraq and oil, a personal essay that reveals some new insights into why we went into Iraq, and the backroom deals Bush and oil companies made BEFORE 9/11.

A link:

Zeitgeist The Movement

A lot of people have only seen the first and second Zeitgeist movies

but this is the Zeitgeist Movement Orientation video, and is more of an essay on society.

The documentary is a social, political, and economic commentary on the future of mankind, and makes some pretty good arguments that I think everyone needs to hear.

In it, they propose a new sustainable system to our current capitalistic system

The Zeitgeist Movement Orientation Video:

Visions Of The Future

Visions of the future is a documentary with Michio Kaku, a renowned physicst, and the next carl sagan in my opinion, as he goes over future technology thats foundations and real world applications are already available today. It documents the transition from the age of scientific discovery to the age of scientific mastery that will radically transform our lives.

The Documentary Takes place in 3 Parts: "The Intelligence Revolution", about Artificial Intelligence, cybernetics and computers, "The Biotech Revolution", about nanotechnology and the mapping of the genome and the mastery of genetics, and the "Quantum Revolution" about quantum physics, teleportation, and quantum computers.

Visions of the Future: The Intelligence Revolution

Visions of the Future: The Biotech Revolution

Visions of the Future: The Quantum Revolution

The Second Renaissance of Man

The Second Renaissance is an animated short film from the movie: "The Animatrix". The Animatrix came out a little after the first Matrix movie, and before its Sequel, Matrix Reloaded.

It showcases a possible future, and details the origins of how the matrix was created.

Sadly theres not amazing links to this movie, so I recommend buying it to fully appreciate it, none the less here they are:

The Second Renaissance Part 1 on google video

The Second Renaissance Part 2 on Facebook video

The Technological Singularity

a brief overview of the concept

An an in depth essay and breakdown of the concept and the future of technology and humanity

The Corporation Documentary

A social commentary on corporations, their history, and their pathological motive. A must see Documentary.


A link to the entire Documentary

The Divine Comedy of Ayahuasca

A clip from the movie Blueberry aka Renegade made in 2004

Its the scene where the main character partakes on a vision quest with ayahuasca near the end of the movie, and whole scenes are ripped out to not ruin the movie's story.

Having done ayahuasca myself, it is quite an accurate representation, but I would comment that this is a vision where the protagonist goes through heaven AND hell, and its mostly for story purposes, you can see some scary shit thats for sure, but a normal ayahuasca trip is more like 6:15 and onwards in the video clip.

The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crisis

A Documentary about the history of America's foreign policy and how and why we overthrow democratically elected governments.

To date The United States has tried to overthrow 14 sovereign nations by various means: Hawaii, The Philippines, Puerto Rico, Iran, Cuba (but failed), Vietnam, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Chile, Grenada, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

The first minute acts as a trailer of sorts, since one can't be found online.

A link to the entire Documentary

The Union: The Business Behind Getting High

A great documentary that showcases the prohibition on marijuana, quite possibly the best, with very lucid and reasonable arguments with a wide range of topics.

Two Trailers to the documentary

Trailer 2

A link to the entire documentary

The Power of Nightmares

A really great BBC documentary about the "War on Terror"

an intro/trailer to the documentary

Links to the documentary

Part 1 - Baby it's cold outside

Part 2 - The Phantom Victory

Part 3 - The shadows in the cave

Network, the movie everyone has to see

Watch these two clips. If you haven't seen them before it just might blow you away.

Television - The Grand Illusion

Money - The World is a Business

The movie Network was made in 1976, as a social commentary on the direction of american society and the role of media on the populace, and is still very quite relevant today.

Direct Mystical Transmission

So I'd like to tell you now, of my journey through time
and even though its lost I'll capture it in rhyme
You see a man roughly in his twenty's standing before you
But this is hardly his first time around, sadly its true
Some people like to brag about what they've done today
but most of them haven't even been as much as halfway
You see I've seen whole universes burst forth before my eyes
Theres a whole lot of fools but only a few are truly wise
I've seen galaxies spin and whole civilizations crumble
It makes even the most prideful and strongest men humble
I've lived 6 lifespans in the course of a day
Seen between the black and white to find only grey
I pass through a door most can't even see
People stuck in a cage and they think that they're free
Day in day out people only following the herd
People afraid of anything new, strange or absurd
Most are just pawns in a grand game of chess
The nature of the universe, oh you could HARDLY guess
Everyones always so hectic and busy they end up getting lost
All this time you've paid you haven't even realized the cost
Because nothing is always something worth doing
and if you do, the multiverse is up for your viewing
Some people claim that they know and speak for GOD
I've met him FACE TO FACE and to me its still a facade
That god would focus all his attention on a SPEC of dust
You'd stand before it and you'd fill yourSELF with disgust
Do you even care about a big pile of mold?
oh mans hubris keeps on growing ever bold
So build it up then I'll just knock it down
keep playin the fool while I play the clown
Because life is nothing but a carnival ride
and its hardly over when you've finally died
but this incredibly benevolent force,
told me to follow through the entire course
and wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid
that lifes just a game well worth being played
Sometimes there's so much beauty and pain spilling out into the street
I feel like I can't take it, this symphony of the bittersweet

Friday, July 9, 2010

we poets always speak of truth,
but be careful of our lies
which is to say pay attention
didn't you hear me?
The universe is screaming at you from every direction!
Would you even recognize it if it hit you in the face?
Or would you reject it and let it sit there motionless in place
Oh You can only guess as to what I'm hinting at
Complexity laid bare only to be made simplistically flat
Oh but don't even make me mention how these words were arranged
Flip, pivot, twist and jump, from another dimension letters seem to change
and only makes sense to the seemingly wise and deranged
And the only difference between the two
is how clear the picture that he drew
When the truth hits you at last
You'll recognize it right away from
the intense sonic blast
It'll flow into your ears and swim like a tadpole in a pond
This conversation we're having might take days or even months to respond
It'll twirl and shift and sink into that skull
and one day when the sky is very grey and dull
You'll steal my words from inside of you
And make something fresh and excitingly new
Who owned these things to begin with who ever knew?
Like hollowed out temples we wander each verse
But the truth is as much a gift as it is a curse
Do you even want that burden to bear?
ignorance is bliss, this to you I swear!
So Come climb the mountain if you dare!
But first you have to come climb down off of your own
So something delightfully wonderous and new can be known
I could tell you the secret to the meaning of life
and pierce your heart like the edge of a knife
But Would you even remember it 30 seconds from now?
I've once long before already told you how!
Maybe it wasn't me necessarily from which it was heard
was he asian, african, white, or hispanic that you prefered?
Shit, the truth has already been told to you a million times
But you were too busy off chasing shiny little dimes!
But pay close ATTENTION
Damn it, this I already mentioned!
Our mouths are silver trumpets playing this tune
We bask in each others radiance like the sun at high noon
Shit I could be saying gibberish and I'd still be understood
because long ago we gave up all this language for good
I could say these same lines rearranged in any tongue
But you'd still hear because from my heart it is sung
hold out your hand and let the gold dust slip inbetween your fingers
and maybe if your lucky a few specs will stay and linger
The sensation is fleeting, just as it always is
Like a thunderous roar thats faded to a fizz
All we ever have that exists is whatever we focus on
Deep from within the abyss a faint star will dawn
With dedication and perserverence we'll draw in the lines
So others can see and learn from our signs
and over time that star will indeed begin grow
and from it over saturated wisdom will glow
Damn it! Are any of you paying attention?
Listen closely theres always another added dimension
Stop putting away time for yet another rainy day
your jar is already overflowing and to your dismay
your stuck here wishing you did something remotely worth while
So take all this in, all you can do is really smile
The clock is ticking faster than you think
So pour your jar in a glass and take a drink
Because you'll forget this too just like all the rest
You'll tell yourself you won't but its only a guess
because this never happend, and We'll go back and pretend
Whatever you forget, just remember, you won't comprehend.
So I pray for you to begin to transcend
because this poem is now at its end

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I wrote this as an art piece for my bathroom. Every time you take a shit its going to be right in front of you :D

We are born into the world blind. Confused and unaware we are presented with a strange and new landscape in which to explore. Cold and shivering we cling to the warmth of those before us. Some...not so fortunate. We are then conditioned from an early age, learning their rules, their customs and traditions. After a certain time away from the great unknown before our birth we lose our almost divine like wisdom, still simplistic and not yet corrupted and worn by the world. But no matter how hard we try, the world indeed weighs down on us, and we begin to forget, we begin our trance, our dance in to the waltz...the grand theater of society. We are presented with a world of manipulative forces, told how to dress, how to act, how to behave, how to think, what things are cool and what things are not. Always are we hypnotized by the blinding glare of the unholy idols in our living rooms and offices. Many are trapped in the labyrinth of dazed and mesmerized to notice what is really going on. They are being spoon fed a prepared reality. OH BE WARNED CHILD! The exalted screen of television warps your perception of the world. Always is its gazed fixated on a limited scope of the grand richness of the world and all that is in it. Some things are not "civilized" enough and ideas are censored and squandered to the point that the truth is hidden in plain sight. The Demons will try and distract you, distract you from your divine mission. To be happy. To be fulfilled. To be loved. To be held. The demons run amok, they make us ashamed of our divine nature, ashamed to smile, to make us awkward with their arbitrary rules that seek only to cage us in. It is so HARD, OH CHILD, to find happiness in a world filled with the dreary hearted. Even with the burning flood of pure joy beaming off of you, it is but a candle in a giant, frozen wasteland. So guard your flame well, find the few who see, and together with your warmth you can go out into the blizzard, and insanity that await you, and may you begin to melt those walls of ice. Always is happiness and enlightenment at the edge of the spiraled path, and not at the top of a peak. Always is it a struggle, but endure you shall...until you return to the great unknown from whence you came. May you heed these words well oh child, so that they find you in your most darkest hour of need.

Monday, May 10, 2010

We need a vision

I ordered some imaginary foundation t-shirts online and they gave me a bunch of free stickers and postcards. On the back of one of the postcards read this:

Q. your t-shirts involve a very sincere message of hope and beauty. how do you manage to avoid the irony and negativity that is so popular with other t-shirt designers?

A. We live in a society in which spurious realities are constructed by the media, by governments and by big corporations. Perhaps for many designers irony is the only possible response to a media space where its impossible to distinguish reality from manipulation. yet the imaginary foundation is future focused, so we're exploring what comes AFTER we push through the darkness; we're already revelling in the beauty on the other side of the looking glass. And believe me, its wonderful. Living creatively and joyfully requires dismissing gloom, defeatism and negativism. We acknowledge problems, but we do not allow them to dominate our thinking and our direction. So we prefer to be for rather than against, to create solutions rather than to protest against what exists. There are things worth believing in; there are things worth being passionate about; and so our action must not be a reaction but a creation. For ideas catch the dewdrops and reflect the cosmos, so let those ideas be noble, let them be poetic and let them be beautiful.

-Excerpt from an interview with The director of the Imaginary Foundation

I now carry the postcard with me where ever I go in my backpack and randomly show it to those I think need it the most.

A few simple words, if powerful enough, can change the world.